“Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”
Pablo Piccasso
Art is the earliest of our species' known achievements. Communicating through words alone is not sufficient for us to express ourselves, or to record and present thoughts, feelings and actions. Art, therefore, is a fundamental part of our human nature.
A defining attribute of art is its ability to unite people across the spectrum of humanity across time, languages, cultures & geography. Art is also important to society in that it serves to fulfill our sense of beauty and wonder about the world. Art, as a form of communication, has never been so vital as it allows us to look at and engage with our everyday world in more meaningful ways; to discern quality, authenticity and reality. The teaching of Art can encourage us to be confident in who we are, where we are and which direction we are going.
Mrs S. Spencer - Leader of Art
Miss K. Feldman - Teacher of Art
The Art Long Term Plan is available here
The Art Medium Term Plans for KS 3 are available by clicking on the Year groups below.