“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are”
Max Depree
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education underpins everything we say and do. Every minute of every day we use our PSHE knowledge to play our part both in modern Britain and the global community. PSHE is everywhere and is, therefore, the most important subject to learn about, understand and embrace. PSHE holds everything we hold dear together: our families, friends, communities and, most importantly, ourselves. We could not flourish without our knowledge and understanding of PSHE.
Young people today are constantly bombarded, both on and offline: who they should be, what to look like, how to behave, and even how to conform. It is our duty to enable young people who are going to make a positive contribution and become rounded global citizens to model behaviours, provide them a balanced and considered outlook, and help them understand and cope with the demands of this modern global world. PSHE allows us to safeguard lives.
Young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world, living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, they need to know how to be safe and healthy, both physically and physiologically, as well as how to manage their academic, personal, emotional, moral and social lives positively, thinking critically and making informed choices.
If the individual is going to be fully prepared in understanding their role and navigate the wider world that they live in, then PSHE needs to be at the forefront of what they learn and develop in. Understanding health and well-being, relationships and living in the modern wider world can only help our global community live and work in harmony together in a sensitive, respectful and considerate way.
The PSHE long term plan can be found here.
All PSHE medium term plans can be found below:
PSHE is taught during registration by form tutors. RSE is taught by a dedicated RSE team, trained in the Autumn of 2022. It comprises:
- Mrs B Baldwin
- Mrs M Gingell-Good
- Miss C Stopher
- Ms A Aylett
- Mr J McMillan
- Mr W Felgate
- Mr S Worne
- Miss M Kennell
Mr N Weedon - PSHE and CIAG co-ordinator