Equality Objectives
The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to ensure protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics). For schools, this means that it is unlawful to discriminate against students or treat them less favourably because of their gender; race; disability; religion or belief; gender reassignment; sexual orientation; pregnancy or maternity.
Marriage and civil partnerships and age are also 'protected characteristics', but do not apply to our provision for students.
Under the Act, the school is expected to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. This requires us to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
- Foster good relations between different groups
As a public organisation, we are required to:
- Publish information to show compliance with the Equality Duty. This is done via our Equalities Policy
- Publish Equality Objectives which are specific and measurable
Our Equalities Policy is in line with national guidance and contains information about how the school complies with the Public Sector Equality Duty. We also give guidance to staff and outside visitors on our approach to promoting equality.
Our Equality Objectives reflect the school's priorities and draw upon available data and other evidence. Careful analysis of this is undertaken in order to ensure that we are working to achieve improved outcomes for different groups.
Our Trust Equality Objectives are:
In response to analysis of data and their self-evaluation process, each of our schools aim to promote equality, by setting objectives to ensure they are:
- eliminating discrimination, (e.g. acting upon incidents of bullying)
- advancing equality of opportunity (e.g. improving boys' literacy)
- fostering good relationships (e.g. establish a school visit to a local mosque)
These objectives are integral to building a positive culture and permeate through schools' improvement plans.
As a Trust, we have also chosen to have a set of overarching equality objectives that we will look to achieve over the next three years.
Objective 1:
To reduce the gap in performance of disadvantaged students against non-disadvantaged students at all stages of education (a key focus in light of school closures during the COVID pandemic)
Success criteria: A reduced gap in the progress measure for each group.
Objective 2:
To eradicate prejudice related bullying in relation to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010 with particular focus on homophobic bullying and prejudice.
Success criteria: A reduction in the number of prejudice related bullying incidents, with the eventual eradication of such incidents.
Objective 3:
To ensure that all staff, governors and trustees, are aware of current legislation surrounding equality and diversity and understand the Trust’s responsibility.
Success criteria: All stakeholders are fully aware of their responsibilities.
Objective 4:
To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all aspects of life at our schools, both inside and outside the classroom, with particular focus on opportunities for disadvantaged students
Success criteria: : All schools provide a range of opportunities and experiences which promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of their students
Objective 5:
Continue to improve accessibility across school sites for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching areas.
Success criteria: : All sites are accessible to students, staff and visitors, with disabilities 8
Specific tasks relating to these objectives can be found within the School Improvement Plan.