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East Bergholt High School

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Suffolk Family Carers

School communities reflect society and therefore, here at East Bergholt High School our
community includes people from a range of backgrounds, with varied experiences and a huge
range of responsibilities. One group of students whose home situation may influence their
experience within the School and all it has to offer, are our Young Carers.
A young carer is a student who helps to look after a family member; this may involve
physical or emotional care, or taking responsibility for someone’s safety or well-
being. However, the level of responsibility assumed by a young carer is often
inappropriate to their age at a level beyond simply helping out with jobs at home,
(which is a normal part of growing up) as such it may impact on the education of the
young person.
East Bergholt High School signed up to the Suffolk Family Carers Schools Award
and have been working very closely with the service to help identify Young Carers in
our school and raise awareness of the great work all Young Carers do for their
families. We are proud that we were awarded our Bronze award on 24 th January
2023 and are currently well on our way to receiving our Silver.
Suffolk Young Carers staff have a close working relationship with schools across
Suffolk. The Support Worker linked to East Bergholt High School is Sheree Driver
who provides innovative services giving individual support & group sessions within
our school.
Students can contact Mrs Johnson within the SSA Department who is the Suffolk
Family Carers Lead within East Bergholt High School or they can make their Form
Tutors aware that they are a Young Carer in order to seek support.


You can visit Suffolk Family Carers Website Here

Please click here to view our Young Carers Policy