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The Academic Curriculum


Curriculum Statement: EBHS

At East Bergholt High School, we believe that every student should have access to an ambitious curriculum that provides them all with the opportunity for growth. Our curriculum encourages creativity and imagination and in it, we aim to:

  • Offer a broad, balanced and accessible curriculum so students know and remember more in a number of different disciplines. 
  • Provide a wealth of sequenced knowledge to allow us to assess what they know, and how they are able to apply this knowledge.
  • Challenge students of all abilities, thereby helping them to be the ‘best they can be’. 

In order for us to achieve this, we regularly ask staff to consider two vital curriculum questions: Why that? Why then? Our curriculum is ever evolving, and staff are proactive within their faculty areas in developing a curriculum that meets the contextual needs of the students that attend East Bergholt High School. 

When our students progress onto the next stage of their education, our aim is that our curriculum will have enabled them to:

  • Be academically successful. 
  • Have acquired the necessary foundation of knowledge to be confident adults.  
  • Be prepared for greater independence. 
  • Demonstrate their employability in a variety of sectors. 
  • Use their experiences to enable them to be life-long learners. 
  • Induct themselves into wider society. 

Students begin the East Bergholt curriculum before they start with us in Year 7: we work tirelessly with primary colleagues throughout the transition period at the end of Year 6 to ensure a smooth integration into school life. Students in Years 7-9 have access to a curriculum that allows them to build upon their prior learning at Key Stage 2, as well as providing them with a secure foundation for later study. Our timetable in Key Stage 3 enables students to study English, Maths, Science, P.E, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Computer Studies, MFL, Technology, Art, Music, and Drama. PSHE is taught twice a week within registration.

In Key Stage 4, all students follow a core curriculum of English, Maths, Science and P.E. Students then select from the following option subjects: Art, Art and Design Practice, Business Studies, Computer Science, Creative iMedia, Design and Technology, Drama, Food Preparation, French, Geography, German, History, Hospitality and Catering, Music, P.E (GCSE & BTEC), and Religious Studies. PSHE and Work-Related learning are led and delivered by form tutors.

However, we recognise at East Bergholt that learning is not limited to the classroom. We therefore offer students a vast programme of learning outside of the core curriculum through regular clubs, trips, and opportunities to build a stronger community. These extra-curricular offers complement our academic timetable, and have become an integral part of what makes us unique.

A copy of our prospectus can be found here.