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East Bergholt High School

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School Clubs and Trips

The school offers a variety of extra-curricular activities across a range of subjects, details can be found below. The activities are timed to finish in time for students to catch the late buses provided by the school. If parents are collecting students they should arrive at approximately 4.40pm 


Drama club starts week commencing 16th September and runs every Tuesday after school. It is open to all years.

Musical Theatre Workshop starts week commencing 16th September and runs every Thursday after school. It is open to all years.


Peripatetic music lessons are available and teachers contacts details can be found here.

Extra Curricular time table

A complete list lunch time and after school clubs will be updated in due course, whilst a more detailed list of PE and Music clubs can be found under their respective tabs below.




autumn term 2024 v2.pdf






3g jan feb 2025.pdf