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East Bergholt High School

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Independent Study

At East Bergholt High School, we want to encourage students to become increasingly more self-regulated, especially during study sessions they may organise and participate in at home. We want all students to be confident in implementing a range of effective independent study strategies, understanding the impact this time can have on the progress they make. Independent studying can be daunting, but we want students to be enthusiastic, empowered and independent, enabling a life-long approach to learning which allows them to be the best they can be. 

At East Bergholt High School, we encourage students to independently study using four strategies. They are: 

  • Self-quizzing
  • Flashcards
  • Knowledge dumps
  • Deliberate practice

Below you will find an introductory video which outlines our approach to independent study alongside five instructional videos on the approaches above.