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Careers and Post 16

Career Guidance at East Bergholt High School


Developing students’ understanding of careers, as well as giving them opportunities to discuss their own futures, is a vital part of East Bergholt High School. We pride ourselves in ensuring that all students have access to quality resources that introduce them to the world of work, and in giving access to independent careers advice in KS3 and KS4.

We regularly audit our performance against the Gatsby Benchmarks by working with the Careers and Enterprise Company, continually developing our approach to careers. Most recently, subject leaders have been working on strengthening careers links within the curriculum itself, with more information available in the curriculum section of our website.

Students have a dedicated registration given to CIAG, and the the school uses the online platform Unifrog as a base for their CIAG programme in order to provide the highest quality of resources. These help students from Year 7 to Year 11 reflect on their strengths, develop the skills needed for high school and beyond, learn about careers and the world of work, and start to plan for their futures. They are mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks, as well as the CDI’s Framework for Careers.

Our independent careers advisor works within the school to meet with individual students. Students have access to these talks before they select their options in Year 9, and again when considering their post-16 studies in Year 10 and Year 11. Students are also able to refer themselves for advice, taking ownership of their career paths.


Careers Leaders

  • Mrs Woolley, Assistant Headteacher, has strategic oversight for careers. 
  • Mr Weedon, Leader of PSHE and CIAG. For all enquiries related to careers, please email nweedon@ebhigh.org.uk.
  • Mrs Taylor provides administrative assistance for careers.


Careers Programme

Within registration, students follow a Unifrog career programme designed for both personal and careers development, found here. Details for each year group can be found by clicking on individual year groups below:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11 

Destination Data

East Bergholt High School tracks the destinations of students for three years after they depart. This is done in conjunction with the Careers and Enterprise Company, as well as through student surveys.

Our 2023-2024 destination data can be found here.


Provider Access Statement

Our provider access statement can be found here


Measuring the Impact

Our latest Compass+ Audit can be found here. The biggest area for development the school has is in relation to encounters with employers. This is something that has been challenging the pandemic, but is a focus of our school improvement plan. Our Careers policy, as well as the information provided on this page, is reviewed annually in the Summer Term


Post 16 Information Evening

Students and Parents in Year 11 are invited to attend a Post 16 & Study Skills evening, delivered by Senior Staff. They also have the opportunity to meet representatives from a large number of Post 16 providers covering School, College and Apprenticeships. The presentation from the evening can be found here.


Further Links/Resources

Please see below for further links and resources.

Start Careers programme

National Citizenship Service

10 ways to achieve careers education at home

Apprenticeships advice and guidance

Gatsby benchmarks

Young Enterprise

National Careers Service


Launchpad (New Users will require the School licence code)

Why study Maths, English and Science

Key skills

Vocational qualifications

Future Learn making the most of your degree course