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Religious Studies

"Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth.  Be critical and evaluate what you believe in"



Religious Studies does not teach religion: it teaches us about religion and aids us in learning from religion. It provides an intellectually exciting opportunity to explore the mysteries of the world by critically examining the BIG ultimate questions: Where do we come from? What’s right and wrong? What happens when we die? Religious Studies plays a significant role in the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of young people. The subject provides understanding of the social, historical and cultural context for religious and non religious beliefs and practices.

Religious Studies helps us to learn about shared and differing moral values in order to debate moral dilemmas. Individuals are invited to reflect on the views of others in order to evaluate their own views, their own responsibilities in the world, and their own responsibilities towards future generations. The subject tackles extremist ideology, racism and other forms of discrimination, thereby promoting community cohesion.


Religious studies is an inclusive forum that nurtures self-esteem and self- confidence. It encourages humanity to ask deep questions and explore possibilities rather than accepting the initial reality presented to us. Developing an understanding of our multicultural society supports all generations, including our future leaders, to be empathic, understanding and compassionate. Religious Studies is a highly regarded academic subject and opens many future doors – particularly in jobs involved in law or politics.


The Religious Studies Long Term Plan is available here

The Autumn Religious Studies Medium Term Plans for KS 3 are available by clicking on the Year groups below.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9


Mrs D. Quinton - Leader of Religious Studies and Health and Social Care

Mrs J. Woolley - Teacher of Health and Social Care

Mr J. Clark - Teacher of Religious Studies and Year Leader


Further Information on Key Stage Four

GCSE students sit the WJEC Eduqas Route A pathway

The exam consists of 3 papers:

Component 1:Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World Written examination: 2 hours 50% of qualification Candidates will study the following four themes. All questions are compulsory. 

Theme 1: Issues of Relationships 

Theme 2: Issues of Life and Death 

Theme 3: Issues of Good and Evil 

Theme 4: Issues of Human Rights 

This component will be assessed by compulsory questions focusing on knowledge, understanding and evaluation of the identified themes. 

Component 2: Study of Christianity Written examination: 1 hour 25% of qualification Candidates will study the beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity. 

This component will be assessed by compulsory questions focussing on knowledge, understanding and evaluation of the subject content.

Component 3: Study of a World Faith Written examination: 1 hour 25% of qualification Candidates will study the beliefs, teachings and practices of Buddhism

Homework in Religious Studies:

KS3 students will be set one piece of homework every 4 lessons

GCSE students will be set one piece of homework every 3 lessons


Further Information on Religious Studies:

An opportunity to provide any other additional information that you would like on your subject page.