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Modern Foreign Languages

A different language is a different vision of life

Federico Fellini


Being able to speak other languages is an essential life skill that equips us for life in a world where communication and travel are increasingly more accessible. The ability to speak another language to whatever level, be it just a few phrases or fluently, unites us as global citizens and opens up a vast range of opportunities. An appreciation and knowledge of languages can show us how English has been influenced by other languages and by being more culturally aware we become better people demonstrating tolerance and empathy and breaking down barriers.

Learning a foreign language develops many other important skills - problem solving, memory and information recall, logical thinking, collaboration – as well as literacy in one’s mother tongue. Having the courage and confidence to speak spontaneously in a foreign language is a valuable accomplishment which enables us to be more skilled at communicating in our own language and in different situations. Learning a foreign language can be challenging but through it we learn perseverance and resilience, qualities we can apply to other areas of the curriculum and life.

Learning a foreign language fosters curiosity and helps us to see the world from different perspectives thus making us more accepting, adaptable and insightful. The ability to speak a foreign language and operate cross-culturally is a skill valued by employers and a huge number of careers are open to language-learners.

The MFL Long Term Plan for German and French are available here.

The French Medium Term plans can be found below.

Year 7:

Year 8: 

Year 9:

The German Medium Term plans can be found below.

Year 7:

Year 8: 

Year 9:

Students beginning with the school in 2022-2023 will be studying French.

Students who began with the school in 2021-2022 will study German


Mrs Gingell-Good - Subject Leader

Miss De Cillia  - Teacher of MFL

Mr Ghyselen - Teacher of MFL



Further Information on KS4

We follow the AQA course for GCSE. Students are examined in the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing at the end of Yr11. During the course we study the following:

  • Self, family and friends
  • Technology in everyday life
  • Free time
  • Customs and festivals
  • Home, town, neighbourhood and region
  • Social issues
  • Global issues
  • Travel and tourism
  • Life at school
  • Jobs, career choices and ambitions

Links to offered KS4 specifications can be found here and here.


Homework in MFL

In KS3 homework will be set weekly and will alternate between learning vocabulary and reading or writing tasks.

At KS4 homework will be set weekly and will include vocabulary learning, listening, reading and writing tasks.


Further Information on MFL

Revision guides, key texts etc.:

  • Oxford Learner's French Dictionary - ISBN 978-0-19-912745-0
  • Oxford Learner's German Dictionary - ISBN 978-0-19-912747-4
  • The Key Stage Three French Study guide by CGP - ISBN 978 1 84146 830 3
  • The Key Stage Three German Study guide by CGP - ISBN 978 1 84146 840 2
  • GCSE French Vocab book + Vocab Tester CD by CGP - Ref: FHIC41U and FHIC41C
  • GCSE German Vocab book + Vocab Tester CD by CGP - Ref: DHIC41U and DHIC41C
  • GCSE French - The Revision Guide by CGP - ISBN 978 1 84762 283 9
  • GCSE German - The Revision Guide by CGP - ISBN 978 1 84762 294 5