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East Bergholt High School

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Faculty of Inclusive Learning


At East Bergholt High School we are committed to developing and promoting an inclusive community. Careful attention is given to the needs of individual students and all curriculum areas and most administrative areas are accessible to those with mobility problems. The Leader of Inclusive Learning works with a team of dedicated Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants to ensure that students with additional needs achieve the very best they can. Students are worked with both in and out of the classroom, in small groups and on a one to one basis – always ensuring that our provision is closely tailored to the needs of the individual. We work with a variety of external agencies, such as the Educational Psychology Service, County Advisory Team and Parent Support officers. Progress is closely monitored and there is a regular interchange of information between teaching staff, external agencies and the School’s Inclusive Learning Faculty. This, combined with a focus on learning and teaching, ensures that all students at our school are fully included and have an opportunity to succeed.


At East Bergholt High School we have an effective system of identification of special educational needs involving close liaison with feeder primary schools and with the LA Support Service. Information is available several months prior to admission thus enabling us to make the transition to High School as smooth as possible. In the case of students from outside the catchment area, and these have amounted to as many as 30% of the intake, our Initial Screening procedures provide us with information on each student’s literacy – reading and spelling skills.

The youngsters are invited to visit for the day in July and take part in ‘taster’ lessons. This is an ideal opportunity for them to become familiar with the layout of the school, to meet Form Tutors and to make acquaintance with the other youngsters in the group.

The majority of the students on the SEN Register have difficulties associated with acquisition of literacy skills but we also have students who are visually impaired, physically disabled, those who are on the autistic spectrum and youngsters who present challenging behaviour. Our Student Support Area is an established part of our provision and provides a calm environment where students are able to continue with their studies without distraction.

We have high expectations of all the students on the Inclusive Learning Register and regularly set targets to ensure continued progress. Targets may be linked to academic success or focus upon behaviour and social skills. Many students are on Target Cards and have One Page Profiles which outline any challenges that they face and how they would like the school to help support them in a way that best suits their needs. Maintaining consistent strategies to meet an individual student’s needs means that all teachers need to be involved in these processes. Reviews take place very regularly and new targets are set accordingly.

One of our principle aims is to ensure that students with special educational needs are able to enjoy the opportunities on offer to all students. This applies to every aspect of school life including the numerous extra-curricular activities which take place for students of all ages. We consider ourselves to have ‘inclusion’ at the top of the agenda!

Link to SEND page 

Psychological Support during Covid.

 The Psychology in schools team have developed a series of podcasts for parents:
•       Podcast 1: Discussing the challenges as professionals and parents of responding to children’s and teenager’s varied needs at this time: From establishing routines to how to talk about worries about returning to school; real life dilemmas explored https://youtu.be/JF2xJnMw3w8
•       Podcast 2: Sleep https://youtu.be/U4pthSEi8dk
•       Podcast 3: Gaming https://youtu.be/bfMX2MplY4s
•       Podcast 4: Supporting your child with anxieties about retuning to school


Links to organisations for support and advice

There are many organisations offering excellent advice, support and webinars during this very difficult time. It is important for you as parents and carers to look after yourselves too. The pandemic is affecting us all and we need to look after our own emotional and psychological wellbeing. Do reach out for support if you need it and check out the website links below for support and advice. We are all human and we all need help at times and that’s ok.




Suffolk Parent And Carers Together (PACT) offer support and resources for parents www.parentsandcarerstogether.co.uk/about.

Our Place Online Parenting Guide