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EBHS Uniform Policy can be found here.

Changes to the School uniform

Last year, we consulted with parents and students on changes to the Uniform Policy. As a result, all students now wear trousers and it was decided to introduce a new school uniform for students joining Year 7 in September 2023. This consists of a blazer and new clip on school tie. To allow some flexibility and in response to feedback from the consultation, students in Years 8 to 11 may also choose to wear the new school uniform, although this is not compulsory. A summary of the changes is outlined below:

New EBHS uniform 

(for students joining Year 7 in September 2023):

Old EBHS uniform 

(for students in Years 8 to 11 in September 2023):

Branded items (must be purchased from Coes)

A black school blazer featuring the EBHS logo  

Clip on school tie (new design)

A black school jumper featuring the EBHS logo  

School tie (old design)

Unbranded Items (essential items that can be purchased from Coes or any high street retailer)

Black trousers, which must be of the approved style similar to those offered by Coes. Trousers should not be in the style of jeans with studded pockets, nor should they be tapered or close fitting. 

A plain white shirt with a straight bottom.

A plain black v-neck school jumper may be worn under the blazer.

Low heeled black leather / leather style shoes (please see the full uniform policy for guidance on acceptable styles).

Option to wear the new school uniform

New uniform is compulsory for all   students in Year 7

Students in Years 8 to 11 may also choose to wear the new school uniform.*

Important note:

 * Please note that if students in Years 8 to 10 choose to wear the new school uniform, they must wear the blazer and the new clip on tie.

 Coes uniform guide can be found HERE

The price list for EBH uniform from Coes can be found HERE

School Trousers

  • Formal black trousers, similar to the approved style offered by Coes. Trousers should not be in the style of jeans with studded pockets, nor should they be tapered or close fitting. Leggings are not permitted. 
  • A Quick Guide to the EBHS uniform can be found here.
  • We have also published an FAQ  document which can be found here.

Casual Clothing/Footwear

Training shoes, boots, canvas shoes, corduroy trousers, denims or similar casual clothes should not be worn for school. Trouser belts should be black or brown, and should not have an excessively large buckle. Specific information on school shoes can be found here.

On matters of School Uniform, the Headteacher’s decision is final.


Sports Clothing for PE lessons for boys and girls

PE Uniform. Branded Items (must be purchased from Coes):

  •  Navy blue and white polo shirt (available from Coes).

Unbranded Items (essential items that can be purchased from Coes or any high street retailer):

  • Navy blue & white rugby shirt (reversible)
  • Navy blue & white shorts 
  • Navy blue football socks.
  • White trainer socks (for Summer term).
  • Non-marking trainers are required for indoor use.
  • Football boots are needed for outdoor use, including the playing fields and the 3G football pitch. Any stud type is permitted firm ground or soft ground. 
  • Trainers with multiple pimple studs are not permitted on the 3G.

Optional Items

  • Navy blue & white skort (available from Coes).
  • A dark coloured tracksuit may be worn for activities in winter (not compulsory, but available from Coes).
  • Mid layer (not compulsory, but available from Coes)
  • Sports goggles/contact lenses are to replace glasses if a student’s vision is too poor to safely take part in physical activity.

Students should not be using their school shoes for PE. Fashion sports shoes are not appropriate for PE either.

In addition to the above changes, students may also wear plain, unpatterned navy or black sports leggings made from spandex/nylon (not cotton). Full details are available in our Uniform Policy.


Personal Possessions

Large sums of money and valuable items should not be brought to School. Students are responsible for looking after their own belongings. The School does not insure personal property.

Pre-Owned Uniform

The School Association runs a second hand uniform shop, they can be contacted on pta@ebhigh.org.uk in relation to any queries for either donations or purchases.



coes bts flyer 2024.pdf


coes bts offer 2024.pdf