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East Bergholt High School

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Remote Education

Information for parents/carers and students

This information is intended to provide clarity for our school community on what to expect from remote education

where national or local restrictions require a full closure of the school, or closure for individual year groups.


Remote Education at East Bergholt High School will:

  • Be planned and sequential so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally.
  • Provide clear intention of what is to be taught and practised.
  • Be set on Google Classroom.

Our aim is that the content of lessons on Google Classroom will:

  • Deliver any new materials in a clear manner through the use of high-quality resources
  • Feature opportunities for interactivity (when a whole class or year group move to remote learning). This will include questioning and opportunity for discussion.
  • Enable students to receive feedback on how to progress.
  • Be responsive to the needs of students in order to address any critical gaps in students’ knowledge

What to expect

In the event of a full closure of the school or closure to one or more year groups:

  • Teaching staff will provide high quality teaching and learning tasks for students via Google Classroom, acknowledge and provide feedback on students work in line with the work set and our normal teaching practices.
  • Students should access learning via their Google Classrooms, and submit work to their teachers. Codes for Google Classrooms are published on our website.
  • The school will provide, as a minimum, 4-5 hours per day for both Key Stage 3 and 4 students.
  • Lessons on Google Classroom will be available at the same times as they would be if students were in school. Staff will be online through the normal school day to offer teaching, guidance on tasks and feedback on students’ work as appropriate.
  • The curriculum will be covered as closely as possible by the teacher. Reasonable adjustments will be made in subjects where this cannot happen for practical reasons (for instance in Technology). In these cases, Subject Leaders will adapt the curriculum appropriately.
  • By ensuring students use the ‘hand in’ function in Google Classroom, staff will closely monitor the engagement of students. Where there are issues with engagement, staff will contact home directly to offer support and guidance where appropriate.
  • The school will continue to make reasonable adjustments to ensure students with special educational needs can access the curriculum. Our inclusion team will work closely and collaboratively with families to provide support on an individual basis.

If the school is open but a student is not able to attend for reasons related to Covid-19 which align with government guidance or legislation (for instance where students are self-isolating);

  • Students will move to online learning via Google Classroom for each day they are unable to attend school. Teachers will set work to cover each lesson each day a student is absent.
  • Teachers are not expected to be online during these lessons as they will be teaching students on site.

Access to Remote Education

Remote Education is available through Google Classroom.

The school is committed to overcoming digital barriers that may be faced when students are working remotely. Measures include:

  • Distributing school owned devices with a user agreement
  • Attempting to solve internet connectivity issues
  • Providing printed resources, such as textbooks or workbooks, in order for students to access the curriculum.

Remote Education Support

We are committed to providing support for parents and carers with remote education offered for their child(ren).

Parents and Carers should;

  • Access the Google Guardian feature to stay up to date with their child/children’s progress.   
  • Check the Arbor app and weekly e-mail to keep track of reward points and non-engagement notifications.
  • Let us know as soon as possible if there is no suitable access to the internet.  Make sure that we have your most up to date contact and address details. 
  • Let us know if your child is struggling with any aspect of remote education.
  • Let us know as soon as possible if there is no suitable access to the internet.  Make sure that we have your most up to date contact and address details. 
  • Continue to support your child in managing their workload and let us know as soon as possible if there is a problem.
  • Encourage your child to stick to the routine of their normal timetable if possible or support them in devising a study routine that fits with your home circumstances during any period of remote education.
  • A guide to Google Classroom can be found here.

Online Safety

In the event of school closure, the school will continue to do all that we reasonably can to keep all of our students safe.

It is important that all school staff who interact with children, including online, continue to look out for signs a child may be at risk.  Any such concerns will be dealt with as per our Safeguarding policy and, where appropriate, referrals will still be made to children’s social care and support providers and, as required, the police.

Online teaching and learning will reference the same principles as set out our staff code of conduct.  This includes acceptable use of technologies, staff pupil/student relationships and communication including the use of social media.  Subject and faculty leaders will join Google Classrooms that are run by teachers in their departments.  This policy will apply equally to any existing or new online and distance learning arrangements which are introduced.

We will ensure that any use of online learning tools and systems is in line with privacy and data protection/GDPR requirements and in accordance with the school’s other policies: Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy; Data Protection Policy; SEND policy; Teaching & Learning Policy