Music Clubs & Tuition
Music Clubs and Tuition
Music Clubs
There are a range of Music Clubs at the school including :
A Cappella Singing Group, African Drumming, Band Practice, Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Open Mic Session, Orchestra, Samba Session, and String Ensemble.
Music Department Extra Curricular Timetable Autumn 2021
music department extra curricular timetable autumn 2021.pdf
Music Tuition
There are a range of instruments students can learn at East Bergholt High School, in addition to whole class music curriculum lessons.
Instrumental teachers come to School every week for either 20 or 30 minute lessons. Most instrumental lessons are on a rotation basis so that students do not miss the same lesson each week.
Lessons are available for the following:
Brass Instruments
- Trumpet
- Tombone
- Euphonium
- Drums
- African Djembe
- Bass
- Ukuele
Woodwind Instruments
- Didgeridoo
- Clarinet
- Flute
- Saxophone